Chocolate Covered Matzo Brittle
I thought it would be nice to get a preview on the Passover planning. I have a few of my favorite recipes to share, and the best place to start is with dessert. Chocolate melted with butter and brown sugar, Yum! This is a recipe I've been making for Passover for years. It's only a few ingredients, easy and pretty quick to make start to finish. I know it is a favorite of my nieces Julia & Elizabeth which makes me Too Happy!
1 cup ( 2 sticks) Margarine or butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 bag of chocolate chips 10 ounces
8 - 10 boards of Matzo
Toppings if you like: dried cranberries and apricots chopped, coconut flakes, chopped pecans
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Cover 2 cookie sheets with foil. This tends to get a little messy and the foil makes the clean up much easier.
Line the sheets with the boards of Matzo end to end covering the cookie sheets. If you need to break some to fill in the spaces do so till both pans are covered with Matzo.
In a sauce pan over medium heat melt margarine or butter depending if you want to make this parve or dairy, add brown sugar and boil for 3 minutes constantly stirring.
Pour the brown sugar and margarine mixture, distributing it evenly over the Matzo so that the boards are all evenly covered. you might need to help it along with a spatula.
Bake for 5 minutes, the mixture will start bubbling on the Matzo.
Pour chocolate chips over the hot brown sugar and margarine mixture. Let the chocolate chips melt a little, then start smoothing the chocolate chips with a butter knife or this spatula, till the Matzo is totally covered with chocolate.
If you want to add toppings, sprinkle them on now while chocolate is still soft and they will stick in the chocolate.
Refrigerate for an hour. The chocolate will harden. Break it up, and store it in an airtight container with a lid. It will last the eight days of Passover, if it's not eaten up by the second Seder.